Found Kittens

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Found Kittens

Thanks for looking out for the most vulnerable animals in our community!  In most cases, kittens don’t actually need to be rescued – a kitten’s best chance of survival is with their mother. To determine the age of a kitten or kittens and to increase their chances of thriving, click here.

Next, assess the kittens to confirm mom is providing care:

  • Are the kittens plump, clean, and warm?
    • If yes, mom knows best! She is doing her job and likely out getting dinner. It’s safe to leave her kittens in the nest.
    • If the kittens are six to eight weeks old, they are old enough to be spayed and neutered.  Contact us at 406-442-1660.
    • You can use this helpful resource to figure out how old the kitten(s) might be.
  • Are the kittens skinny, dirty, cold, or noisy?
    • Mom might not be around. Time to help her out and intervene. Before bringing kittens inside, review this page.
    •  Do you want to foster these kittens?  Don’t worry – we’re here to help.  Visit Kitten Lady and Maddie’s Fund for resources and guidance on raising kittens.  You can also sign up to become a LCHS foster parent by clicking here.
    • If kittens appear sick or injured and you’re unable to get them care through a local veterinary clinic, call us at 406-442-1660.